Wednesday, January 7, 2009


In the movie Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead they play the game of questions because they don't know whats going on and there trying to find answers. They do not even know their names due to memory loss. So if they do not even remember their names how do you expect them to remember why they are in Denmark or what they were sent there for. The game proves there are no real truths. Through the game it also proves this is post modernism.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Senior Quote

Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today. -James Dean

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Makes it Art?

What is art? Is there a standard for art? Who decides what is art? If someone thinks one thing is art and someone thinks it isn't who is correct? But then if art is everything then art loses it meaning and it is nothing. Famous quotes say "art is in the eye of the beholder" so does that mean there is no right or wrong? I think if art brings one pleasure and enjoyment then that is a good thing. If art makes something better or adds meaning to something it is valuable. Everything can be considered art but not everyone preseves it the same way. Some piece of art I may love someone else may think is garbage. The official answer is art is form and content. Form means elements, principles, and physical material. Content means what the artist meant to protray, what the artist actually did protray, how we react, and way in which a work was influenced.

Monday, October 20, 2008

She Unnames Them

1. God and the Universe- "You and your father lent me this- gave it to me, actually. It's been really useful, but it doesn't seem to fit very well lately". It acknowledges a God but disregards any creation and that there is any need for him but that she actually has a better plan. She has the right and control to unname them.

2. Humanity and Identity-“Among the domestic animals, few horses had cared what anybody called them…”. To them their name was not important their names could be given to anyone especially to people they belonged to. They had their own identity.

3. Conflict and Suffering- "One of my reasons for doing what I did was that talk was getting us nowhere; but all the same I felt a little let down”. Eve was sick of being ignored and that no one was listening or cared about what she thought.

4. Hope and Redemption- “At last I said, ‘Well, goodbye, dear. I hope the garden key turns up.” Even though Eve wanted to make her own decision and control the universe she is hoping she could go back to the Garden of Eden and live the perfect life.

5. Values and Relationships- “…and said without looking around, “OK, fine dear. When’s dinner?” Adam show no value in his relationship when Eve says goodbye he just fine but asks what’s for dinner? This does not show any hope for a future when he does not value her or their relationship.

6. Truth and Knowledge- “I could not chatter away as I used to do, taking it all for granted”. Finally Eve has to acknowledge the decisions she made and live with them and not just take life for granted. She needed to acknowledge she could not be God.

I believe She Unnames Them is a post modern worldview.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

American Pie

I think it is Secular Humanism because all the value is placed in music. There is actually never any reference that they believe in God just mentions do you believe and is he really there?

1. God & the Universe- “And do you have faith in God above”, “And the three men I admire most: The Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost, they caught the last train for the coast”. Makes the assumption that their is no God and that he left on the last train.

2. Humanity & Identify- “But something touched me deep inside”, “That I could make those people dance”. Showing only the music is what matters.

3. Conflict & Suffering- “I was a lonely teenage broncin’ buck”, “Bad news on the doorstep”. Even the music shows a lot of suffering especially the reference when the music ends so does life.

4. Hope & Redemption- “How that music used to make me smile”, “We all got up to dance”. The only hope is that the music will last forever and make life better.

5. Values- “they’d be happy for a while”, “Can music save your mortal soul”. That is values music over anything else in life to provide happiness.

6. Truth & Reality- “I saw satan laughing with delight”, “them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and rye”. The truth was satan is happy when all you do is rely on music and there is nothing better to do with your life than just drink and listen to music.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Paradise Lost

In Paradise Lost I thought I would tackle the Worldview by looking at God & the Universe.

The easiest question to answer is “was the universe created?” It is clearly stated in lines 9-12 “In the Beginning how the Heav’ns and Earth rose out of the Chaos…” and goes on to say “Fast by the Oracle of God”. Line 31 also once again references the Creator. This provides proof of God’s creation.

The next question of what is the power that has control of the universe and what is it governed by, is demonstrated in several areas throughout Paradise Lost. Evidence starts on line 24 with “That to the highth of this great Argument I may assert Eternal Providence”. It continues in line 27 “Heav’n hides nothing from thy view”. Line 39-40 says “To set himself in Glory above his Peers, he trusted to have equal’d the most High”. This shows even Satan is acknowledging who governs and controls the universe.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Wizard of Oz

The worldview of the Wizard of OZ I think is Cosmic Humanist. The truth is the wizard is no better than anyone else. All they had to do was believe....the scarecrow needed his brain, the lion his courage, tin man a heart, and Dorothy her way home. They all had these they just had to acknowledge and use them. The worldview also showed good overcoming evil.