Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What Makes it Art?

What is art? Is there a standard for art? Who decides what is art? If someone thinks one thing is art and someone thinks it isn't who is correct? But then if art is everything then art loses it meaning and it is nothing. Famous quotes say "art is in the eye of the beholder" so does that mean there is no right or wrong? I think if art brings one pleasure and enjoyment then that is a good thing. If art makes something better or adds meaning to something it is valuable. Everything can be considered art but not everyone preseves it the same way. Some piece of art I may love someone else may think is garbage. The official answer is art is form and content. Form means elements, principles, and physical material. Content means what the artist meant to protray, what the artist actually did protray, how we react, and way in which a work was influenced.

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